
100 Call Centre Monitoring Parameters for Quality and Coaching

Measuring the performance of your contact centre agents and tracking the quality of the calls that they make is key for optimum success and growth within your business.

Using different call monitoring parameters is essential to help you gain the data you need to analyse what’s going well and what needs improving. Putting call monitoring parameters in place enables you to identify issues and provide the best training and coaching for your employees.

Enabling your customer service agents to do their roles as efficiently as possible, helps them to satisfy your customers and achieve the best results for your business. 

What is call quality monitoring?

Call quality monitoring is when you invest time in listening to and evaluating the conversations that your employees have with your customers.

There are numerous benefits to call quality monitoring including:

List of parameters

There are a huge number of measurements that you can use when it comes to call monitoring parameters for quality and coaching.

It’s important to keep parameters clear and easy to understand – so take the time to think which ones best suit your business needs.

Let’s take a look at some of the call monitoring parameters for quality and coaching you might consider.

We’ve organised these into sections to get you straight to the information you need for your business :

How to greet your customer

  1. Introduction of self with a name and job title
  2. Introduction of the company
  3. Saying thank you to the customer for their call
  4. Informing the customer that the call is being recorded
  5. Requesting the name of the customer
  6. Asking how they can help the customer
  7. If it is an outbound call, clearly stating the reason for the call
  8. If it is an outbound call, ensure that they are speaking with the account holder

How to use the correct phone etiquette

  1. Use polite language and tone of voice
  2. Ensure the tone is appropriate to the caller
  3. Ask how the customer wants to be referred to
  4. Always use the customer’s preferred way to be addressed
  5. Never interrupt the customer
  6. Respond to questions efficiently
  7. Speak slowly and clearly
  8. Listen carefully to the customer
  9. Show empathy to the customer and their situation
  10. Reassure the customer that you understand if they are feeling concerned or frustrated
  11. Always ask permission when transferring their call
  12. Always make sure the customer is happy to be placed on hold
  13. Ensure everything has been done to resolve the customer’s query
  14. Keep an upbeat and positive tone to the call where possible

Always avoid:

  1. Use of abusive language or swear words
  2. Sarcastic or unpleasant tone of voice
  3. Providing dishonest information
  4. Being rude to customers
  5. Raising the level of voice in a conversation
  6. Hanging up on a customer who is still speaking

Following set scripts

  1. If scripts are available, stick to the script where possible
  2. Adapt the script as and when required using appropriate language
  3. Aim to sound as natural as possible when following any script

How to verify the account

  1. Ask for account verification
  2. Verify the account using all appropriate information
  3. If the account is not verified, use the procedure in place to take appropriate next steps

How to collect customer information

  1. Politely ask for the first and last name of the customer
  2. Ensure the spelling is correct by repeating it back to them
  3. Request the phone number of the customer in case you are disconnected
  4. Repeat the phone number to ensure it is correct
  5. Request the email address of the customer
  6. Confirm all letters and any numbers of the email address for accuracy
  7. Repeat the email address to the customer
  8. Enquire where the customer heard about your business or who recommended them to you

Following compliance

  1. Ensure all correct procedures are adhered to if the customer does not want to be contacted in future
  2. Handle any requests to cancel services or subscriptions appropriately
  3. Use proper descriptions when referring to any products or services
  4. Provide accurate answers to any customer questions
  5. Always comply with company guidelines regarding hold times
  6. Transfer any calls by using the proper company procedures
  7. Follow company guidelines if calls need to be escalated to senior staff
  8. Comply with national recording laws
  9. Always quote pricing within company guidelines only


  1. Always show ownership of the problem as a representative of the business
  2. Aim to transfer the customer to a senior staff member when unable to assist directly
  3. Show empathy for the customer’s frustration or concern
  4. Apologise for the inconvenience caused to the customer
  5. Manage expectations in a clear and confident manner
  6. Identify the problem so that it can be efficiently resolved
  7. Ask for any relevant error codes
  8. Repeat your understanding of the issue back to the customer as confirmation
  9. Ask for confirmation from the customer that they are happy with your understanding of their issue
  10. Offer approximate time scales for finding a solution to the issue
  11. If appropriate, ask for information about warranties or guarantees
  12. Share any useful information with the customer for them to troubleshoot an issue
  13. Ensure the customer has a reference number for their issue
  14. Follow up with your customer to provide them with their reference number again

Sales calls

  1. Find out exactly what the customer needs from a product or service
  2. Use a friendly tone of voice as you get to know the customer
  3. Build a rapport with the customer where possible
  4. Suggest appropriate products to the customers that may be suitable
  5. Aim to cross-sell or upsell existing customers
  6. Highlight appropriate next steps to take
  7. Ensure the customer understands the value of the product or service
  8. Take the time to answer any questions that the customer has
  9. Encourage the customer to involve other decision-makers in their setting
  10. Find relevant solutions to any objections the customer may have
  11. Understand products and services sufficiently to offer knowledge and guidance
  12. Always quote the most up-to-date pricing
  13. Update customers on any current special offers relevant to them
  14. Always reconfirm details of the product/service and price before taking payment
  15. Schedule deadlines for when the service will be in place or the product delivered
  16. Collect billing information
  17. Find out whether the delivery address is different to the billing address to ensure efficient delivery
  18. Take payment at an appropriate pace for the customer
  19. Schedule a follow-up call to get feedback
  20. Retain any customers seeking to cancel by suggesting changes to their current plan, product or service

Ending a conversation

  1. Follow any appropriate script provided for ending a conversation
  2. Confirm with the customer the next steps to be taken
  3. Confirm that the customer is happy with the proposed course of action
  4. Confirm any appointments or deadlines set
  5. Ask if any further help can be offered
  6. Ask the customer if they are happy to provide post-call feedback
  7. Say thank you to the customer for their call
  8. Wish the customer a good day/evening
  9. Ensure that the customer is aware they are welcome to call back if further questions arise
  10. Wait for the customer to hang up the phone before ending the call

After a call

  1. Ensure all information is clearly and accurately logged in the appropriate system
  2. Log any issues or complaints that were made
  3. Alert senior staff to any serious issues that arose
  4. Log any issues regarding products that were raised
  5. Follow up with the customer if agreed and the correct time

Support from evaluagent

EvaluAgent want to help you provide your employees with the tools they need to provide exceptional customer service at every opportunity, throughout the customer journey.

Whether it’s retaining and upselling to existing customers or recruiting new customers who are searching for you in a competitive marketplace, having well-trained and professional customer service agents can dramatically improve your bottom line.

EvaluAgent offers you Quality Assurance software to ensure that your customer service agents are working efficiently and can be helped if needed. In addition, coaching 1-1s will help customer service agents who need assistance to improve and succeed.

With our services, you can identify issues before they develop further and seek to maintain your excellent reputation as you watch your business grow.