
FCA update: supporting vulnerable customers and how firms need to improve

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has today released an important update on firms’ treatment of customers in vulnerable circumstances. This latest review highlights both positive progress and areas that still need improvement, reinforcing the critical role that firms play in ensuring fair outcomes for all customers. 

Key findings from the FCA’s review 

The FCA’s update indicates that many firms have taken positive steps in supporting vulnerable customers. Some key takeaways include: 

In fact, 44% of customers in vulnerable circumstances reported a negative experience with a financial services firm compared to 33% of customers not in vulnerable circumstances. 

So with that in mind, what shouold you be focusing on? 

Next steps for firms 

To align with the FCA’s expectations and ensure fair outcomes for vulnerable customers, firms should: 

How evaluagent can help 

At evaluagent, we support firms in meeting FCA requirements through robust quality assurance, agent training, and compliance monitoring. 

Our solutions help you to monitor and evaluate customer interactions for vulnerability indicators, provide targeted coaching and training to frontline teams, and deliver data-driven insights to continuously improve customer outcomes. 

And there’s one more thing that can really help you start making a difference for vulnerable customers… 

Leveraging predictive xMetrics for better customer outcomes 

One of the biggest challenges in ensuring fair treatment of vulnerable customers is effective outcomes monitoring. This is where evaluagent’s predictive xMetrics can make a real difference. 

xMetrics leverages AI and machine learning to analyze Voice of the Customer (VoC) data, providing firms with predictive insights into customer experiences. Key benefits include: 

For more details on how xMetrics can transform your customer experience monitoring, take a look at our in-depth guide: Introducing Predictive xMetrics: the Voice of your Customer has never been clearer

What now? 

The FCA’s latest findings highlight the progress firms have made – but there’s still room for improvement when it comes to supporting vulnerable customers. By leveraging solutions like evaluagent’s quality intelligence platform and predictive xMetrics, you can enhance compliance, improve customer outcomes, and build trust. 

By taking proactive steps and leveraging the right tools, firms can ensure that all customers, including those in vulnerable circumstances, receive the support and fair treatment they deserve. 

Read the FCA review, or take a look at our Product Tours to see evaluagent in action.